The Urban Orchardist Nursery

Our nursery catalogue will be released around the Autumn equinox for the upcoming Fall '24 and Spring '25 sales seasons.

We grow most of our trees in-ground, and we sell & ship the trees 'bare root', when they are dormant.

There are many advantages to this:

  • we can continually improve our soil health with cover crops, quality compost, mulch, and so on,
  • it produces stronger trees with more robust root systems than when grown in pots,
  • we don't need plastic pots and imported growing media,
  • we can rely on rainwater rather than irrigation,
  • trees experience less transplant shock when transplanted while dormant, and
  • we can ship dormant bareroot trees anywhere across the country.

Our primary sales season is in early spring, with some fall sales as well.

Our Upcoming Varieties

Our Upcoming Varieties

If all goes well with our growing season (and so far it's been an excellent year!) we expect to have the following:

Apple: Tango Wine, Courtland, Empire, Macoun, Jonah Gold, Milwaukee, Mutsu, Gala, Liberty, Paten Greening. All grafted on EMLA 26 - a precocious (early-bearing), semi-dwarf rootstock.

European pear: Buerre Giffard, Abate Fetele, Golden Spice, Harrow Delight. All grafted on OHxF 333, a semi-dwarf rootstock.

Asian pear: Korean Giant, Meigetsu, Mishirasu. Also grafted on OHxF 333.

Plum: Damson, Early Italian, Greengage, Mount Royal, Toka, Shiro, Burbank. Grafted on Myrobalan 29C rootstock.

Sweet cherry: Compact Stella. Grafted on Mazzard, a Prunus avium seedling rootstock.

Tart cherry: Montmorency, Early Richmond. Grafted on Mazzard, a Prunus avium seedling rootstock.

Peach: Harrow Diamond, Frost, Reliance. Grafted on Bailey seedling rootstock.

Nuts: Hazelnut, pecan, shagbark hickory.

Other: Pawpaw, gooseberry, clove currant, elderberry... and more.

Questions? Please be in touch.